Friday, December 5, 2014

Being Obedient

Last year when we were just starting to think about adoption I decided that my short answer for when we were asked why we were doing it was simply because we felt "God wanted us to and we were going to obey." I had no idea this was going to be a running theme throughout this year. This year has been...difficult, to say the least. There has been some huge challenges, so huge that you can't see out of the hole we're in. I've also seen a very small glimpse into what it must have been like when the crowd who had just been laying their coats down for the messiah to walk on were now yelling "crucify him,"when Jesus was on trial. It's in my nature to always look for the good, but this year I've been let down many times. And in some ways it feels like betrayal. But, I've also felt deep comforting peace that I know can only come from my Creator. I feel like something big is about to happen, bigger than me and bigger than my little family. God doesn't need me to accomplish his will. He's just giving me the privileged of having some very small part of his plan.

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